Or you can turn history on its face, and play as the Axis. While historically the allies lost the Battle for Kasserine Pass (it was not a crushing defeat, but still a loss), you can win it.

This game is based on history, but it’s not a slave to it. Tunisia is more arid and has large hills with relatively gentle slopes, and little cover, Sicily is more craggy and has terrain that makes life hard for armored vehicles, while Normandy has a lot of mostly flat terrain, with hedges and small forests that offers plenty of places to hide. Sicily, Tunisia and Normandy are all presented a way that feels authentic, even if you are of course only seeing small snippets of what’s going on. The different regions all feel very different. The main map, where you chose where you want to fight This game deals with their major engagement, where they fought against the German and Italian troops, and this game does a pretty good job at representing this. Needless to say, they were one of the most important US divisions of World War II, and a lot has been written about them. They were part of the first major engagement between US & German forces, the Battle for Kasserine Pass, and were also among the first to land on Omaha beach and, between that, they were an instrumental part of taking Sicily, where they were part of the initial landing force. The story of the Bloody First might not be as well known. While there might be some debate over the details, like exactly why did France fall so fast, which tank was the best and so on, and some details seem to have been conveniently forgotten when old allies turned into enemies, like the US/Soviet lend-lease, the overarching series of events should be known to everyone, particularly those interested in historical wargames. I’m sure everyone already knows the basics of World War II. You don’t get to see Sicily very often in games set during World War 2 Story & setting